Find True Love

suehrs1Challenges, Change, Confidence, Freedom, Love, Self Awareness, Success

Have Abundant Love

Carrie looked out her kitchen window as she was preparing dinner and saw the dark clouds of impending rain rush in.  She had just hung up the phone with Dan and was upset because Dan was now in a foul mood today.  It looked like the weather was agreeing with how her evening would turn out.  Even though it didn’t … Read More

Do What You Love

suehrs1Change, Enneagram, Freedom, Happiness, Passion

Passion is doing what you love

She was two weeks into this new contract for her company when they called telling her she needed to spend another month out of the country to clean up complications.  Being the major breadwinner for her family, she agreed.  Boy she missed her husband and kids already.  How was she going to mange another month away from them?  During one … Read More

Find Trust after Being a Victim

suehrs1Challenges, Change, Confidence, Self Awareness, Top 10, Trust

Trust after a negative experience

She was his number one employee for years now.  He didn’t let anyone else who worked for him be that involved with his business finances.  How had she done it?  It was her consistent loyalty of pointing out possibilities that kept him out of hot water with his customers.  Now she was regretting it as she watched all the computers … Read More