Miracle Grids Streaming Products Best meditation

Prayer is when you talk to the Divine. Meditation is when you listen to the Divine.  Miracle Grids Streaming Gift Page offers an array of streaming offerings which include the best meditations to help you listen to Divine guidance.

Susan of Miracle Grids

Hi.  Allow me, Susan Suehr to personally welcome you into my streaming gift page of adventure and fun.  A former Chemical Engineer who listened using meditation over 30 years to develop & commercialize more than 26 products and achieve 5 patents.  Now helping you to go within to listen for your unique guidance.  Enjoy and explore these streaming offerings  with my accompanying best meditation videos to listen more to the truth of your Divine mind.

message from divineAllow me to pass on this message I received from my Divine mind for you. " It is a complete truth that you are absolute perfection in the eyes of the Divine and are loved unconditionally.  That is the truth of who you are. There is nothing that you could ever do to loose that love or perfection.  You were created with an incredible power that is there for you to claim.  When you claim that power, there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your dreams.  Claim and use that power created in you. "

My driving passion is to help you connect with the wonderful power that exists within you, your Divine mind.  We were taught to look to the world for our answers: the experts, the right things to do, what to wear and the correct ways to act. We were taught to talk to God, but not necessarily how to listen to them. That is why I created these Miracle Grids Streaming Offerings with my best meditation videos, so just by watching, you can listen.  All of them were created to help you resolve your emotions so you can receive your unique Divine answers about how to go about living and finding fulfillment.

We were rarely taught to resolve our emotions, leaving us to be controlled by others who know how to manipulate our choices and response actions with them. When we go within and resolve our emotions, our Divinely inspired choices and responses offer us the path of grace and ease.

Learn to resolve your emotions and be in control of your destiny. Check out these streaming offerings below:

"Discover Your Strengths Powers & Talents" Online Course with my best meditation videos to help you listen to Divine guidance for those unique gifts you were born with.

Is the changing world forcing you into a reality where all you do to get ahead just brings you back to square one? Does trying your best seem fruitless?  The world without does not have the answers.  All of the answer are within you.  This offering can  help you go within to discover your edge to live your life with grace and ease:

  • Someone who wants a better job that you feel good about waking up and going to
  • One who wants to expand their role in the job they have
  • Entrepreneurs who want to start a business that brings them fulfillment

Were you told only special people were born with talents?  That is the way of the world and contains falsehoods. The way of inner truth says you were given them too, with the strengths to hold them and the power use them.  "Discover Your Strengths, Powers & Talents" in 5 weeks with 15 - 30 Minutes Per Day of Your Time - Streaming Online Course with  lessons and my best meditation videos to help you listen to Divine guidance.

Click here if you need to learn more about this course.  Read the  testimonies of those who have taken the course & had their lives changed.

Sabine This course is absolutely amazing and the meditations stunning, soothing and really take you into another brighter place.  Susan really understands how to help people connect with oneself and find the inner answers.  Honoured to [also] be here in the facebook group.”

Wayne  “The method you gave us to reprogram our minds for healing hurt, pain, or anger are perfect for me.  This practice has been invaluable to me and now gives me a life-long tool to deal with this kind of stuff. I have been getting creative with it and applying the method to reduce negative thoughts/feelings to nothingness in all kinds of situations and having fun “vanquishing” them in all kinds of funny or interesting ways.”

Give me access to this streaming course now using the secure payment button for 3 donations of $199.00.

Click the button here to pay with secure paypal link for 3 donations of $199.00

Give me access to this streaming course now using secure payment button for one 20% discount donation of $497.00

Click  the button here to pay with secure paypal link for 1 donation of $497.00.

"Streaming Healing Meditation Membership" for healing so you can listen to Divine guidance more.  Follow the "Way of Divine" not the "Way of the World".

Use these healing meditations first to help you look within for your healing needs. For gifting only $12.45/month try them. Then if you reach a wall and need more deep individualized work, schedule a healing session with me. We work together to get at the core to help you heal more deeply.

$75 for 1/2 hour session

$150 for a 1 hour session

Frustrated that your life isn't bringing you happiness and joy?

So what to do? Well you need different approaches to healing and listening for your unique inner guidance.

I have chosen my ground breaking  best meditations to help you do just that.  My goal is to help people heal and come to me for energy healing when core deeper healing is needed.  More of my best meditation videos are added periodically.

  • Heart Alignment Best Meditations to help with overwhelming experiences
  • Healing Best Meditations Videos to help you tap into your strengths  and powers
  • Uplifting State Change best meditations to help you shift your current state of awareness so you can know & experience being loved, valued and powerful
  • Jump to New Heights Best Meditation Videos to help you merge your current consciousness with one of a higher vibration

See how These healing best  meditations have helped people:

Anna Marie Wolf –“ I love it Susan, so healing and powerful. Yes, loved the voice. Love the music too.”

Tracy L Kettle – “Very impressed.  Your voice is soothing. My body relaxed immediately in response to your voice.”

Fred Hazelhope – “Great voice, very soothing. To me Susan, you are doing your Great Work. Keep it up.”

Cat Deuter – “I had a busy day and now I am more relaxed. I think I’ll go back and do it again.”

Andrea Focareto – “Your resonance – who you are and who you have become will attract many.  Well done Susan.”

Two ways to pay for streaming access to these ground breaking meditations to help live a loving, prosperous, healthy life.

Click below for Access:

Cancel at anytime.

Already a member click here to enter.

Mary Woodhouse – “Beautiful and creative. Your voice is soothing and clear. Your voice tone and cadence reminded me of Louise Hay, only uniquely yours, definitely encourage you to keep doing your own recordings.”

Alice Amundsen – “Your voice is very lovely, calming and soothing.  The energy of the message you impart is beautiful. What you have done and are doing can help a lot of people Susan.”

Danny Fong - “It really Works.”

Lourdes Castellano – “Loved videos and phrases. So much of what was said is just my way of thinking. Really enjoyed knowing I’m not alone in this. My world evolves of spiritual wealth and happiness all thanks to God, and yes attitude.”

Miracle Grids Life Change Individual Best Video Meditations

Self Renewal Meditation

Self Healing Meditation

Happiness and Joy Meditation

Releasing Stress Meditation


Take this meditation journey to help you unlock the power of changing the vision of yourself as being authentic in minutes as you travel along hidden cliffs to a mysterious healing cave. 

There, the Divine transmutes your existing self image to one of an unconditionally loving one.

Click here to Donate for this streaming video for $24.95

Experience an activation of your inner core of power to help heal yourself with this Self Healing Meditation in minutes as you travel to the ocean shore and onto a healing island.

Let in Divine healing for alleviating the suffering with any pain, discomfort or illness.

Click here to Donate for this streaming video for $24.95

Experience happiness joy with this guided meditation in minutes as you travel to a mountain top and into a healing cabin.

On your journey the Divine heals and transmutes your feelings of not belonging, imperfection, and unworthiness to happy and joyful ones.

Click here to Donate for this streaming video for $24.95

Experience letting go of stress, fears, and worries in minutes with this Releasing Stress Meditation.  As you travel on a journey to a beautiful safe place in nature, connect with the Divine. 

The Divine changes your errant thoughts to un-limiting  and unconditionally loving thoughts, and you anchor them with powerful wondering affirmations.

Click here to Donate for this streaming video for $24.95

Healing Meditation Video

"Great Awakening Meditation"

Start knowing that you are eternal awareness. Clear blocks, be taught and heal to help you resolve emotions and know you are awake & enlightened. Meditation is for listening to the Divine and healing to be free, your birthright.

Awakening best meditation video

Donate for this streaming meditation using the secure payment button below for $24.95

Testimony:  The Great Awakening Meditation is absolutely beautiful. Susan has the voice of a Goddess and the music she used is so celestial. This meditation helps you to release Beliefs that are not wanted or not working for you. I found it beautifully amazing , that I was carrying Beliefs that no longer work for me or some Beliefs that I didn’t even realize I had. Susan’s brainwave Theta state program is just what I needed to ready myself for the life I truly want to live. Her meditations are uplifting and can guide us to a loving, more understanding and loving life. I hold Susan in the highest regard as a healer and Spiritual Being. Thank you Susan, Joni Rose, FL

New Mastery Series Sets - Guides and Best Meditations

Want to get in a calm state, or have your relationships be loving ones, or learn how to resolve your emotions to Achieve Abundance & Prosperity?

Resolving your emotions gets you to a calm state where you can tap into your Divine mind and have fulfilling healthy loving relationships as well as having the abundance and prosperity that is your Divine right. Each created meditation for healing and looking within for Divine guidance.

See how these help:

Dr. Anna Maria Wolf -  “Change Your Beliefs Now is an incredible, innovative system for growth and change and for overcoming stresses and negative beliefs. Breakthrough Masters program to Achieving Abundance and Prosperity is a complete system of meditations, including ebooks, recordings and an invaluable roadmap to feeling better which brings everything together in one complete package. I found the system extremely helpful, detailed and thorough, addressing a lot of issues at a deep and healing level. The books are well written and extremely detailed and thorough, and the recordings are amazing. Susan’s voice is so soothing and healing, and the visual images and guided meditations really are stunning and very unique. I have done a lot of different meditations over the years but these meditations really are all encompassing and reach a very deep level, I think because of the visualization and, Healing Talisman, as well as the Binaural beats. As soon as you start the meditation you can feel a shift, and a sense of inner peace. The Successful Abundance Guide is helpful too for moving on into a new life filled with abundance. All in all this is a complete guide to turning your life around and overcoming life’s stresses and obstacles, and to generating a path to abundance. I would highly recommend this complete package of Breakthrough Masters program to Achieving Abundance and Prosperity to anyone wanting to transform their life and seeking to move into a place of love, joy and abundance. I think it is well worth the initial cost and will be an invaluable resource to anyone on the healing journey, seeking true growth, change and transformation.”

Check them below:

"Secrets to Having Calm"

Best Meditation Video "Feeling Better" Calms and Lifts You to better feelings in minutes.

Mastery Wondering Affirmations Guide Gives You Tools to Lift Upward Anytime

Feeling Better Best Meditation and Guide at the Miracle Grids Shop from Miracle Grids

Donate for this streaming version using the secure payment button for $29.95

Receive both calming "Feeling Better" Best Meditation Video and Mastery Guide.  Yes, give me access now

Instant Access click here to donate with paypal   

"New Mastery Tools to Have Lasting Loving Relationships" in as little as a week.

2 short Best Meditation Videos Transport You on a guided journey to feeling these powerful emotions of:

"Happiness & Joy"

  " Finding Love"

"How to Find Abundant Love" easy 3 step Mastery Guide to Become a Master of Having Lasting Loving Relationships

Have Abundant Love guide and 2 meditations at the Miracle Grids Shop

Donate for this streaming version using the secure payment button for $49.95

Receive 2 Best Meditations and Mastery Guide. Yes, give me access now.

Instant Access click here to donate with paypal

"Breakthrough Masters Program to Achieving Abundant Prosperity" in a few weeks time.

8 short Best Meditation Videos to Help You Feel and hold a resonance of Adventure,  Joy, Peace, Courage, Powerful, Valuable, Security & Love

Have Successful Abundance easy 9 step mastery guide to become a master of achieving abundance and prosperity with a book that has an actual road map to feeling better.

Start achieving abundance prosperity

Donate for this streaming version using the secure payment button for $249.95

Receive 8 Best Meditations eBook, and Mastery Guide. Yes, give me access now.

Instant Access click here to donate with paypal