Check out this extraordinary way to change your life with these beautiful Healing Talisman.

Having your beliefs be in alignment with your desires keeps your your spiritual vibrations at a high level.

Help master your passion,  improve different life challenges, or just create faster positive vibrations.  Check them out in the Miracle Grids Download Store .

Created by a former Chemical Engineer & spiritual seeker, now one who helps other spiritual seekers.

If you just Change Your Beliefs , you can Change Your Life , and you will Change Your World.

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Regain control and take your power back  in as little as 1 – 2 weeks.

Use these beautifully crafted sacred geometry healing talisman clearing tools to:

  • To raise your vibrations to more positive ones by using the higher truth belief lists.
  • Have positive beliefs about who you believe You are using the talisman for real change.
  • Create your desires by surrendering them to the Divine in the  step by step healing method.

Healing talismans can be used like crystals.

On Sale Now at the Miracle Grids Download Store

What Are Miracle Grids Healing Talisman?

They are a number of colorful talisman arranged in sacred geometry to help you have positive beliefs about yourself.

They are symbols to be used in surrendering your desires to Divine Source energy.  When used with magic papers (also known as prayer requests) you write, they show the Universe that you trust in the Divine providing the right gifts to you with the right timing.

How Do They Do That?

The colors, movement and glyphs give you the focus of Your Presence and allow you to raise your vibrations by receiving more love and light into You.

How are they used?

They are created with certain energies for working with their owner and are used similar to crystals.  You can charge them with your own desired energies with the use of magic papers(also called prayer requests) that you make and write.  They can be used to create any desire that is the highest and best for all.

The Basic Miracle Grid Healing Talisman are  Clearing Tools

There are 4 basic healing talisman with more than 10 pages of positive beliefs to carry and instructions on:

  • How to use the healing talisman to change your beliefs to have positive ones
  • How to use the healing talisman to create your desires

Feel inspired and valuable with dreams illuminated Basic Miracle Grid Healing Talisman

Dreams Illuminated Healing Talisman











The Improvement Products  are  Self Directed Coaching and Clearing Tools

With Instructions and more than 15 pages of positive beliefs to consider and check in order to find self improvement success. There are 4 of them.

  • They contain numerous action steps to choose from to help make positive change in your life.
  • They have additional ways to use the Miracle Grids for a happier life successfully creating your desires.
  • Easy to read instructions with real life challenging examples

Miracle Grid Life Challenge - Let Go of Anger

Improvement Product Healing Anger






The PASSION PRODUCTS (also Enneagram) are Self Directed Coaching and Clearing Tools

They contain instructions and more that 20 pages of positive beliefs to consider and check for following passion success paths - choose from 9

  • They contain numerous action steps to choose from to help make positive life changes.
  • They have additional ways to use the Miracle Grids for a happier life successfully creating your desires.
  • Easy to read instructions with real life examples for each specific passion product.

Find Adventure Feel Free Healing Talisman Miracle Grids Passion Products Healing Talisman Enneagram Have Fun Product

Passion Product - Find Adventure Feel Free of Pain








Click Image Below for FREE Healing Miracle Grid A simple Healing Talisman for the beginner.

Click here to receive healing grid