Good, Right and True

suehrs1appreciation, Change, Confidence, Freedom, Gratitude, Happiness, Inspirational Moments, Inspirational Sayings, Power, Self Awareness

Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments – Poise

Poise Comes When You Connect with What is Good, Right and True

Take a Quiet Moment Now. Let in that the Divine is living and breathing inside you and your every breath. Now you can sense what is good, right and true.

You Are Made of Divine Light and Love.  That is who you truly are.

Allow in the Wisdom of Your Highest Self that is the part of you that knows this.

They know the Highest and Best for All. They can guide you to knowing right, good and true action.

Poise Is Also About Trusting in The Flow of Life.  Sometimes we never know what role we are playing in the expansion of the Divine.

Trust That All Will Be Well in Your Life.  When we trust the Divine, we are able to connect with knowing the highest and best for all.

Also Trust You Will Be Given What You Need When You Need It.  You don’t need control, manipulation of taking from others.  Only lack of trust takes you there.

The Divine Wants Nothing But the Best For You. Believe in that and allow that belief in for you.  The Divine Is with You Always.

Trust Even in Dark Times The Divine Will Provide. The Divine always provides us what we need and may look different than what we thought. Eventually it is always better than we imagined for it facilitates our growth.

Let Go of Doubt Or Fear. There is no need for it now.

You Have the Power of the Divine Living Inside You.  All you need to do is allow it to be.

Take Action That Is Good, Right and True.  This is not putting yourself in a lesser place.  It is about being your best then taking action that is in the highest and best for all.

Be the Poised Being You Are.

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By Susan Suehr

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 by Susan Suehr
Change Your Beliefs = Change Your Life = Change Your World