How Inspired Actions Create Miracles

suehrs1Challenges, Top 10, Trust, Wisdom1 Comment

Miracle On Hudson - inspired actions create miracles

Did you ever consider that having a miraculous life is natural?  Inspired actions create miracles and a miraculous life. Know that inspired actions create miracles Dave Sanderson believes that miracles do happen and for a reason.  I am honored to have spoken to Dave Sanderson, author of the book “Moments Matter” and the last passenger off of Flight 1549 that … Read More

Navigate Through the Mire of Doubt and Uncertainty

suehrs1Challenges, Change, Confidence, Enneagram, Fear, Freedom, Power, Self Awareness, Self Esteem, Stress, Top 10Leave a Comment

Find way and navigate through the mire of doubt and uncertainty

Have you, at some points in your life, been caught in a mire of doubt and uncertainty? It happens to the best of us.  The following story is about just that and how to navigate through the mire of doubt and uncertainty. So, What Happened with Kayla Here?… Kayla couldn’t drive now.  Through the flood of tears, she pulled off onto … Read More