Change Our World

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How do we change our world where we can really make a difference?

Others try to control us and our world by convincing us that we are not powerful enough.

They give us news to keep us feeling fearful, controlled and unhappy.

O Yet there are others who tell us we have to take action publically to change our world.  Yet no matter how we vote, express our desires to those in authority and work harder to make a living, we seem to be slipping downhill. Neither seems to work.

It is as if we can never catch up. Our world seems controlled by some unknown force that we seem powerless to control or change.

When we need to change our world, we need to change our mind pattern.

So what actions can we take?

Taking good, right and true action is required for us to change our world. There are some ancient secrets that have been hidden from you for more than thousands of years.  Those who seek power to control you, use negative images to control your thoughts to be thoughts they want you to have.

I am going to reveal some of these secrets to show you the positive actions you can take no matter what is going on in our world.

The good, right and true actions put the opposite positive images in you.  These images in the meditation will change your mind pattern to change our world for the better.

Are there risks with these actions?

Oh yes. Your thoughts will change from containing a vibration of victim to one of empowerment.  That can be scary because we have been practicing victim for centuries.  New ways to think can be scary. This fear is much easier to overcome than the ones given with fake news.

Turn off the news and negative TV programs. They are called programs for a reason. They are meant to program your mind to have fear thoughts.

So what are these secrets?

The first one is that they program us to agree with their plans of control by telling us in advance what their plans are, all hidden within fake news, TV Programs, movies and other visuals. This feeds our thoughts with wanting just the ways of worldly belongings. This is worshiping false gods and our Divine Creator complies with delivering a life that we carry with our thoughts.

The second one is keeping us in a state of fear, anxiety and feeling attacked by others. Perpetual wars and local strife are what they tell us is normal.  It keeps our thoughts in a state of powerless victim.  Our thoughts are directed to feeling attacked by others and a desire to be angry and defend ourselves from attack.

Thirdly there is a visual language used with the Divine that is very powerful.  Those working to control us use these images to imprint in our minds with art, TV, movies, logos and much more. When we look at them and take them in, we are telling Creator that we agree with what the worldly handlers want.

So here are some positive actions you are better served taking before any other actions.

  1. Surrender to the Divine what you have been programmed to want to feel better and abundant. Ask for help with what you really want. Wanting to feel abundant with good things to appreciate is divine. Yet it must come from you, not from a program. Start appreciating what you have that brings you happiness and joy. Do this on a regular basis through out your day. Do it when you grocery shop. Appreciate all the people who worked to bring you the goods you purchased.  When you turn on your utilities, appreciate all those who work to bring such conveniences.


  1. What we experience from others is a reflection of something we do to ourselves. Others push our buttons to help us change and become stronger. The Divine set us up that way.  So two questions to ask yourself whenever you feel attacked or dismissed by someone else is: a) How do I do this to a part of me somehow? b) What strength do I develop more when this happens. Surrender all that you learned with your feelings upward now to Creator. Now consider how grateful you can feel to Divine Creator for knowing this now.


  1. The world controllers/handlers use images to have you feeling powerless, lacking and unhappy with what you have. You can use counter images to heal yourself and your world.  You can reprogram yourself with positive affirmations.  If you do them 21 times, you change from old programs to new programs.

Here is a meditation to help you with the 3rd action step.  It contains healing visuals as well as positive affirmations that help you reprogram your mind pattern.

The images in the meditation are words in Hebrew. The ancient Hebrew language is a Divine language meant for all humankind, not just those of the Jewish faith. Most of modern languages grew out of the ancient Hebrew language.  Remember the Tower of Babel in the Bible where we scattered into different languages.   So if you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religion, you have a Divine right to these images. The information about all this came to me from the wisdom of Janet and Stewart Swerdlow at expansions in their Dark to Light course.  Their balance symbol image is the copyright of expansions and is credited to expansions in the final credits.

Doing this meditation for a couple of weeks has helped me change my mind pattern to have more positive thoughts and have a sense of calm and peace in a crazy world.  I feel so connected to our One Infinite Divine Creator.  Try doing this meditation in a theta state 3 times per day. In a few weeks, see how you change for the better. Maybe we can find unity among us in our world again.

Help us all heal and change our world.

Meditation Change Our World Healing

Welcome to Miracle Grids Meditation Change Our World

Listen with ear listening devices for the best experience.  Sit up straight and follow along.

Watch this video while listening to this relaxing music that takes you to a theta healing state.

Take in a nice deep breath. Hold it.

Now blow it out.

Take in another deep breath. Hold that breath.

Blow that breath out.

Allow your breathing to come to a normal natural rhythm now.

Start to relax yourself by relaxing your feet.

Move that relaxation up now into your calves.

Let your knees relax.

Feel all the cells of your thighs; relax them.

Flow that relaxing feeling upward now and into your lower back and tummy.

Sense a soothing comfort move into your upper back and chest.

Relax your hands and arms.

Notice your shoulders and neck; relax them.

Slowly roll your head from side to side and allow your head to be filled with tenderness and gentleness.

Notice your face and relax it now.

You are now in a deep state of complete relaxation.

Quiet yourself as you allow a gentle stillness to come into your awareness and imagine yourself in a bubble of pink violet light for Divine protection.

Now feel your heart with its gentle living beat.

Notice it beats a loving life force through all of you.

Allow yourself to open upward now and gently outward with that loving life force.

Now further out, up and out into the world and further out now out into space.

Your life force moves further out now into the Universe.

Sense a deep connection now with all that is, Divine creation.

Now bring your focus to your pineal gland which is in the middle of your brain behind your eyes.

As you do imagine this symbol in your pineal gland.  It is a Divine symbol of balance. Copyright of expansions.

These symbols in this meditation are hyperspace God Mind symbols from expansions.

Next  imagine now  this symbol at your pineal gland.  It is a Divine symbol of cosmic protection.

Now imagine this image in your pineal gland as we say this positive affirmation 7 times.

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning the seat of my power.”

Next see this same image being imbued on our world, healing it in our world.

Next  imagine this in your pineal gland as we say this positive affirmation 7 times.

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to owning how abundant I am.”

Now see this same image being imbued on our world, healing it in our world.

Next imagine this in your pineal gland as we say this positive affirmation 7 times.

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being happy.”

Now see this same image being imbued on our world, healing it in our world.

Lastly imagine this in your pineal gland as we say this positive affirmation 7 times.

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

“I now fully integrate all of me to being sovereign.”

Now see this same image being imbued on our world, healing it in our world.

You have now healed both you and your world to having an empowered mind pattern.

Begin to come back now.

Sense the room you are in, the place you are sitting.

You are back now and in your comfortable place.

Let the Divine inspire you to take new strong actions.

Create your world that you control with your new light.

If you do this meditation 3 times per day, you will see changes, empowered changes within you and in your world.

We leave you now with love, light and peace.


Video Meditation & Production                                                           Susan Suehr

Music                             Christopher Lloyd Clarke  at Enlightened

Symbols                                     Janet & Stewart Swerdlow  at

Do you want to have confidence and make positive changes in your life?  The Miracle Grids Streaming Store is streaming meditations that guide you on journeys of healing, positive change, taking on new skills and help finding peaceful sleep.  Check them out here.

Maybe some of your beliefs are getting in the way of staying in the present moment.  Susan gives energy healing sessions as well to help you clear negative beliefs and be downloaded with new positive beliefs.  Here is a link to her 1/2hr session and a link to her 1 hr session.

I offer AOScan devices and healing sessions which are a new technology of healing frequencies.

By Susan Suehr

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