Here are the details of what this Exceptional & Powerful course covers

Wouldn’t you like to know that you can uncover those Divine given gifts that make you strong, powerful and talented?

I guarantee that you will wake up every morning knowing your specific strengths, powers and talents after completing this course only if you are willing to do the work.  Each of the 5 keys have easy step by step instructions to follow, so you can take your time to know your gifts.

Key 1- Uncover  brand new pathways to connect with your Divine mind.
  1. Snapshot overview of the whole module
  2. Lesson  video of how define life experiences in the more positive so you can experience a more positive life.  Personally, this gem of a technique I have used over many years to live the life of my dreams and navigate the challenges in my life.   Also you can download the lesson slides and lesson script.  Maybe you don’t want to take the time to listen to the video lesson.  Now you can just read the lesson and use the slide deck as a reminder. Included is a worksheet to help you redefine your life experiences in the more positive and a tip sheet for receiving clearer answers from your Divine mind.  Have these gems available for you anytime you need.  Many have reported to me that this lesson was like listening to a guided meditation.
  3. Lesson  video of how to clear uncomfortable feelings and you can download the slides and lesson script.  Included is a video Meditation for Clearing Uncomfortable Feelings and a written version of the meditation so you can clear them at your own pace. This clearing technique helps you clear much that you may have carried over the years and is used by me personally when I feel fear, anger or frustration.
  4. Lesson  video of how to heal hurt, pain or anger. The slides and lesson script are also available for download.  Included is a worksheet and video Meditation for Self reprogramming Your Brain so you can Heal Hurt Pain or Anger.  You choose what you want to change.
  5. A video Meditation Connecting with your Highest Self
Key 2- Identify Your own success path using an easy process identifying your strengths.
  1. Snapshot overview of the whole module with a skip ahead cheat sheet for those who just want to get on with it.
  2. Lesson  video of how to self reprogram your brain to feel strong with a download of the slides and lesson script.  Included is a worksheet and video meditation for making choices what you want to reprogram your Brain for so you can Feel Strong.  There is also a tip sheet for your testing beliefs that may get in the way of discovering your strengths and feeling strong.
  3. Lesson video of how to discover your strengths, with downloadable slides and lesson script.   This process is one used by many professional coaches to expose your strengths.  It has worked for me personally as well as those who worked for me while in Corporate America over the years.  There is a wonderful worksheet for discovering your strengths that has a comprehensive strength list with definitions to help you.  Also included is a tip sheet for how to muscle test your strengths with confidence.  Finally a breathtaking video Meditation for Feeling Strong.
Key 3- Use this amazing guide to discover your powers, by finding  what inside you drives your passion. Guess what?  This is where you begin to take back your power in your life.
  1. Snapshot overview of the whole module with a skip ahead cheat sheet. For those like me who love to skip ahead sometimes.
  2. Lesson  video of how to choose to reprogram your brain to feel powerful. Heck if you don’t want to watch, you can download and read the slides and lesson script.  Included is a detailed worksheet and video Meditation for Self Chosen Reprogramming of your Brain to Feel Powerful.   This really works because it uses a process where you are in the drivers seat, deciding what you want to focus on. There is also a tip sheet guide for the 9 different passion drives that hold the key to your powers.
  3. Lesson video of how to discover your powers & blind spots with slides and lesson script for download, so you can have it anytime you want to review.  There is a worksheet for discovering your powers and your power blind spots.  Unfortunately, when you stood in the power receiving line you also received power  blind spots as well.  Why? So you could grow in your powers. Just knowing these blind spots, can give you a tremendous advantage to stay in your power everyday you are tempted to give it away.  Also included is a tip sheet for how to muscle test beliefs that may get in the way of discovering your powers and feeling powerful.  Finally a breathtaking video Meditation for Feeling Powerful.
Key 4- Unlock the secrets of your talents with an easy questionnaire to know your 4 talent areas.
  1. Snapshot overview of the whole module with a skip ahead cheat sheet.  Yes, I put this cheat sheet in because I know that some of you just can’t wait to know your talents.
  2. Lesson  video of how to you can choose to self reprogram your brain to the way you see fit to feel talented with downloadable slides and lesson script.  Included is a worksheet and video Meditation for Reprogramming your Brain to Feel Talented.  There is also a tip sheet for muscle testing your 4 talents.  Everyone has 4 of them. Wouldn’t you love to know yours?
  3. Lesson video of how to discover your talents  with slides and lesson script, that you can download for just reading if you choose.  There is a worksheet for discovering your 4 talents using a talent questionnaire.  This was based on a system where many people were studied to understand what came naturally to them, so they would be able to perform their best in their jobs.  The research team who developed it used it to move people into work positions where they were happier performing at their best.  I personally took this course many years ago and came up with my own more comprehensive questionnaire for modern times.  Also included is a tip sheet for how to muscle test beliefs you may have about owning your talents.  Finally a breathtaking video Meditation for Feeling Talented.
Key 5- A Plan so you can allow with ease that fulfilling happy life with you at the center, living your dream expressing your power and gifts for all to see.
  1. Snapshot overview of the whole module to take you over the finish line.
  2. Lesson  video of how to incorporate using your strengths, powers and talents into your daily life with downloadable slides and lesson script.  These plans let you get started immediately expressing the real you that you were meant to be.  Then you can make more plans that include your loved ones and help you make life changes little by little if that is your desire. Included is a worksheet for creating an immediate, near and far term plan to do just that.  You know Tony Robbins always says, “You gotta have a plan”.  There is also 2 tip sheets to help you change beliefs and remove obstacles that would get in the way of you expressing your innate gifts.
  3. Finally 3 stunning video Meditations for Self Reprogramming Beliefs and Obstacles of your choosing, Healing, and a General Meditation for any self directed meditating you want to do.
  • Click below to gain access to this life changing course “Discover Your Strengths Powers & Talents”. Only 3 payments of  $199.00  to change your life.  A single payment discount option as well.  Paypal is a secure payment system. Use a paypal account or use paypal as a guest.
  • No regret 30 days to try the  program, follow the simple step by step methods to discover your strengths, powers and talents.
  • This program contains the same processes I personally used to experience living my dream.  I created a wonderful professional and personal life with a beautiful family that has a lot of fun together.  It’s your time now, be the real you that you that has been waiting to experience their destiny.
  • If you are on the fence, I give you options to discover the unique successful you with absolute confidence.
  • Once you purchase the program, you have full lifetime access to this streaming course.

Click here to pay with secure paypal link for 3 payments of $199.00

or receive a 17% discount for 1 single payment.

Click  here to pay with secure paypal link for 1 payment of $497.00.

Refund policy:

  1. Return at least 3 completed filled out worksheets.
  2. Tell us why this course did not work out for you. 
  3. We refund payments up to 30 days from the date of purchase.