Stop looking to the "Way of the world" for your answers. Listen to Divine guidance; look within
Discover & live your Strengths Powers Talents
Every single human born was born with unique strengths, powers and talents. You weren't left out. This habit/mind changing and discovery course helps you discover your unique strengths, power talents & does that in 5 weeks. It has 5 key modules to awaken those gifts within you to help you make an ordinary life become extraordinary.
Is the changing world frustrating you because all you do to get ahead just puts you back to an even keel? Does doing your best seem futile? This unique course helps you discover the gifts you were given to succeed in life:
- Wake up each morning looking forward to your work
- Expand the role you play in your field of work
- Become an entrepreneur to start a business that brings you fulfillment
There are 5 key learning tools to give you an edge in the world by discover what makes you tick. Yes, educating yourself and learning new skills are important, but they won't give you that edge you were born with. Strengths, powers & talents are very different than skills. You were born with them given by Divine creator, so that you can flow with what is in your destiny of purpose in this life. You are that important and you were given these gifts to use for fulfilling the life you and your soul agreed to.

See how this course changed people - Testimonials
Anthony - " I have to say, that this is a very powerful program. In fact it is literally blowing my mind. I am so honored to be given the chance to take this course."
Sabine - "This course is absolutely amazing and the meditations stunning, soothing and really take you into another brighter place. Susan really understands how to help people connect with oneself and find the inner answers. Honoured to [also] be here in the facebook group."
Wayne - "The method you gave us to reprogram our minds for healing hurt, pain, or anger are perfect for me. This practice has been invaluable to me and now gives me a life-long tool to deal with this kind of stuff. I have been getting creative with it and applying the method to reduce negative thoughts/feelings to nothingness in all kinds of situations and having fun "vanquishing" them in all kinds of funny or interesting ways."

Hi, I’m Susan Suehr, former Chemical Engineer who over the last 30 years helped those who worked for and with me to have that edge; now I help others find the edge they naturally have. I have spent the last 30 years with a relentless drive to find the easiest and most powerful way for people to actually LIVE the life they agreed to with their soul. I can say that because I pursed my life by learning how to uncover my unique strengths, powers & talents that made me so successful over the years. I am so happy to share this now – with you.
Would you like the best and most direct ways for you to gain access to the expertise that the Divine has already given you? Yes, by accessing this Divine expertise, you can actually LOVE what you are doing each day and live an incredibly fulfilling life that you dream about. The Divine gave you this expertise as gifts you were born with. Discover them now.
No other course offers methods to uncover and differentiate all 3-strengths, powers and talents that reveal the unique you that gives you an edge in your work & life to fulfill your life mission. Yes it is true; you were given many gifts to help you succeed. Using them is all that is required of you.
This course has supporting healing meditations offer different ways to heal by removing blockages using:
- Presence with the Divine in you
- State change - Self determined Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP to change negative beliefs in your subconscious mind). You decide what changes.
5 Week habit changing, mind changing & discovery system
A system that can fit into your current life, whether you work full time, kids, or a starting entrepreneur. Whatever you are doing, add 15 - 30 minutes at night, in the morning or both. I guarantee, if you complete the work, you will wake up each day knowing the gifts that are YOUR destiny.

Let me help you find your way to get to know the wonderful, strong, powerful and talented you. Yes you are these and don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

Click below to gain access to this life changing course "Discover Your Strengths Powers & Talents". Invest in you. Only 3 payments of $199.00 to change your life. A single payment discount option as well. Paypal is a secure payment system. Use a paypal account or use paypal as a guest.
No regret 30 days to try the program, follow the simple step by step methods to discover your strengths, powers and talents.
This program contains the same processes I personally used to experience living my dream. I created a wonderful professional and personal life with a beautiful family that has a lot of fun together. It's your time now, know your edge to experience your destiny.
If you are on the fence, you have options to discover the unique successful you with absolute confidence.
Once you purchase the program, you have full lifetime access to this streaming course.
Here is what you will get so you can wake up every morning knowing your unique strengths, powers and talents.
- Key 1- Uncover brand new pathways to connect with your own Divine mind that was just always waiting for YOU! This first step will help your discovery of your unique gifts given.
- Key 2 - Use Your own success stories with an easy process to identify your strengths. A list with detailed definitions is included to jog the memory of inner guidance.
- Key 3 - Use my amazing guide to discover who you truly are, by finding what inside you drives your passion and what your powers are. Guess what? This is how you can live a powerful life because you were born to be powerful and given the gifts to be so.
- Key 4 - Unlock the secrets of your talents with an easy questionnaire to know your 4 talent areas that show your natural way of communicating, resolving problems, creative perceiving and interacting with others.
- Key 5 - Finally, A PLAN so you can allow with ease that fulfilling happy life with you at the center, living out your power and gifts for living your life purpose. Tony Robbins always says "Gotta have a plan".
- Additional stunning guided video meditations with each of the keys to help you Discover and Feel Strong, Powerful and Talented. Downloadable pdf files of the video lessons, worksheets, and amazing additional tip sheets to ensure your success so you can LIVE these gifts.
You want details? Click for details here.
Need support? You also have personal support from me by joining a private facebook group. You can belong to a community of others who are also on this journey.
Click here to pay with secure paypal link for 3 payments of $199.00
or receive a 17% discount for 1 single payment.
Click here to pay with secure paypal link for 1 payment of $497.00.
Refund policy:
- Return at least 3 completed filled out worksheets.
- Tell us why this course did not work out for you.
- We refund payments up to 30 days from the date of purchase.