Open to the Beautiful You

suehrs1Change, Happiness, Love, Power1 Comment

Oh what a beautiful you!

This lovely blue heron visited me in the snow storm.  It was a Divine message and I pass it on. It is a message of truth of the beautiful you.

Listen and watch this meditation of the beautiful you that you are.

Welcome to Miracle Grids Truth of You Meditation.

You were given wings to fly.

The Divine gave you invisible wings in the form of the power of your choice.  Every day that you choose to express your truth, you can fly with the wings of freedom.

Your power also is found in using your wings, to express your light.

A light dwells within you. That is the real you. That light is made in the image of the Divine.  God is all good and so are you.  Yes, you make mistakes with your actions, but you are still good because you are made from good.

Oh what a beautiful one you are.  Accepting the beautiful you is where you start.  That releases you from the original “sense of being” that propelled mankind into a world where both good and evil exists.  The knowledge of good and evil was taking on the judgments of humans “being” good and evil.  The beautiful you is the good that was made from Divine creation’s image.

That is how the Divine sees you, good and beautiful.

That is why they instantly forgive all for any actions that are unloving.  They understand that identifying with your ego comparative mind and becoming fearful is what causes unloving actions.

Please let that truth in.  You are loved unconditionally by the Divine.  That means they love you no matter what.  It has no conditions.  You can’t earn or lose that love.  It is available to you always because it exists eternally.

You are so loved and the Divine wants you to love yourself as they love you.

You are good no matter how you act.  Your actions are forgivable.  When you accept and love yourself without conditions, you stop identifying with your ego comparative mind and the fear goes away.  You then automatically act as the good one that you are, as the Divine made you.  They put their spark of light within you to discover it on this journey of life.

Be the Divine being you are.  Own that truth of your Divine nature, a part of the light of God.  Accept that you are good, the beautiful you that exists eternally as a light.

Feel how good you are.

Own and be the goodness of you.  Now, flow your light into the world.

Be present with your light as much as you can in every act.

Let it reflect your soul and spirit.  Your light is different than another’s light.  Others may disapprove of you because it may push their buttons.  Know that your light pushes the Divine’s button of joy.

Flow your truth and push God’s joy button.

Reflecting your soul and spirit reflects the beautiful you.


Video & production   Susan Suehr

Music     Christopher Lloyd Clarke

Do you want to relax and feel good about yourself?  The Miracle Grids Shop also sells video meditations that guide you on journeys of peace, renewal, happiness and healing.  Check them out here.

By Susan Suehr

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