Be Inspired By Charity

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Welcome to Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments – Charity

Charity is About Giving Something of Value.  Each of Us Is Born With Strengths and Talents.  These Are What Makes Us Unique.  These gifts are the unique expression of who we are.

There Is Only One of You.  That Is How Valuable You Are.  There never will be another like you either.  When we express ourselves by using our strengths, powers and talents, we are being our best.

Your  Best Side Expresses  the Real You.  When we express our more real self, we show the value that we are to the world.  Take Some Time and Own How Valuable Your Are Now.  Let that in. Be inspired by charity and give the value of you.

Give Your Value to Others by Giving the Best of You.  People can’t help but be inspired themselves when you show your value to them.  They want to express their value because they too are inspired by charity.  Feel that Joy You Bring to Others

You are light.  Give of your light to people you encounter.  Feel Grateful for Being Able to Express Your Talents.  Be the Light You Are.   Give the Real You Each Moment.  Let others be inspired by you and be inspired by charity.

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By Susan Suehr

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