Why meditate? Prayer is when you talk to the Divine. Meditation is when you listen to the Divine. Susan has created her Best Meditation Videos to help you to listen to Divine guidance.
The streaming meditation membership has at least 23 guided healing 20 - 30 minute of my best meditation videos. They are different healing journeys that guide you. "Heal Traumas", "Heal Relationships" and start "Reducing and Eliminating Pain and Suffering" are just a few of these amazing healing meditations.
Why meditate? Listening to Divine inner guidance for resolving your emotions and surrendering them, is what changes you to being the powerful real you. I call it God Magic. You are much more than the physical personality. Learning to listen to Divine guidance is real freedom, love and peace. Hi, Susan Suehr meditation master, former Chemical Engineer. These healing meditations offer an array of pathways to help you resolve your emotions that hold you back and create a new path to move you forward.
My Miracle Grids Blog has many healing meditations for public viewing. I saved my new best meditations for this streaming resource and add new ones periodically. You can cancel at any time. Try them out for only $12.45 and cancel if they don't help you heal.
Some of Susan's best meditation videos were featured in other classes. Many were positively changed with my best meditations". Susan Suehr.
Healing Best Meditation Videos using your heart centered experiences:
Love Self Unconditionally, Move from Ego to Divine Mind, Protection and Balance, New Perceptions of a Friendly World, Getting Energized, Getting Restful Sleep, Reduced Stress & Gratitude
Healing Best Meditation Videos tapping into your strengths and powers:
Establishing Positive Boundaries, Healing Trauma, Reducing & Eliminating Pain & Suffering, Positive Mindset, Creative Mindset, Perseverance Mindset, Visioning Mindset
Healing Best Meditation Videos to help you shift your current state of awareness of Being to meditate for abundance and prosperity:
Being Loved, Being Valued, Being Powerful
Healing Best Meditation Videos to help guide you to make quantum jumps to be in a new zone of vibration experience:
Healing Relationships, Connecting with Soul Family, Healing & Clearing Programs & Toxins, Beginning Journey, Meeting Parallel You, Meeting Confident You, Meeting Optimal You
2 Minute Healing Best Meditation Videos using earth's magnetic frequency:
Abundance Frequency, Abundance Wealth Success Frequency, Complete Health Frequency, Concentration Determination Finish Frequency, Immune support Frequency, Inner peace Frequency, Integrity Frequency, Love Forgiveness Gratitude Frequency, Memory Focus Clarity Frequency, Pain free Healing Stamina Frequency, Peace Calm Tranquility Frequency, Perfect recall Frequency, Prosperity Frequency, Resolve Frequency, Sleep well Frequency, Stamina Frequency, Stress free Frequency, Successful Frequency
2 Minute Healing Best Meditation Videos common ailments:
A- G coming soon
2 Minute Healing Best Meditation Videos common ailments:
H- N coming soon
2 Minute Healing Best Meditation Videos common ailments:
O- Z coming soon
Each of these best meditation video areas have different ways to help you heal by going within. Life is far more fulfilling when you learn how loved you are and how awesome the Divine sees you. Prayer is when you talk to the Divine. Meditation is when you listen to the Divine. Go within so you can know and experience how you uniquely find abundance and prosperity. Be guided with the Divine to break old programs that no longer belong and have them give you new ones.
- Relax with Susan’s calming voice and theta music to help you make better connections to Divine Creator with her best meditations.
- Be guided in ever so gentle ways so you can resolve challenges that life presents you with grace and ease.
- Be changed using scientific ancient techniques:
- heart alignment breathing & hyperspace techniques to take you directly to God-Mind
- guided healing & deprogramming
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (change you decide from a goal seeker to a goal receiver)
- Quantum Jumping (shift you to new qualities of Divine God-mind being). Meditate for knowing and experiencing the abundance and prosperity that is your birthright.
- Take 20 - 30 minute meditation breaks to help you live a Divinely inspired life. Access these best meditations on any device with an internet connection.
Yes, please give me access to these amazing streaming guided meditations now:
For only $12.45 /mo secure recurring payments
or 20% discounted yearly secure recurring payments of $119.90
Cancel easily at any time if they don't help you. No questions asked. Write me Susan@ChangeYourBeliefsNow if there are any issues.
You can also check out much more instant access products in the Miracle Grids Streaming Store