We should all learn to feel powerful. Read on ways to do that…
Do you know why it is so important to feel and know how powerful you are? Because we need to own that in order to complete the mission we set out on to live this life. Feel powerful!
Before we were born, we chose to learn certain perspectives so we could bring that experience back into the Divine Intelligence of All That Is. We knew at that time that we would be given unique strengths and talents as well as unique powers to succeed in the goal. Our soul would be at our side giving us whispers so that we would be inspired as to how to proceed in this huge life challenge.
You see, we were very excited to be doing this. We also knew that after birth, we would forget everything, but people would come into our lives to poke and prod us into completing our challenge. We would experience discomfort and that would be the clue to stop and relax, so we could hear the call of our soul. They would ask us to look at what just happened and consider new ways we could perceive light in the dark. We would use it as a learning experience to:
- Know who we truly are
- Know how we could expand ourselves beyond the previous moment.
So what happened and how did we get stuck?
We took on beliefs of others. The one that has hindered us the most is the belief that we are not powerful enough.
We were born into a duality reality. You cannot be un-powerful! You are powerful!
You can only believe you are not powerful; that is all. Ask your soul to help you understand so you can know how powerful you are. It is becoming more important that we own our power, because our world is looking more and more insane as each day goes by. To thrive in the ever changing world that is coming about, you need to own your power.
So how do you own your power even if you don’t feel it and know it yet?
- When any discomfort comes, stop and relax. Be in the Now moment.
- Feel whatever feelings are there and ask your soul for help uncovering the more true you that is being revealed with this discomfort. Hint: It will be an unconditional loving truth without negative judgments on you or another.
- Notice where those feelings are in your body and feel them fully.
- Observe those feelings as an observer and watch them pass through you.
- Forgive anyone who has done you wrong and forgive yourself as well. Hint: It may help to understand the fears that caused someone to do you wrong.
- Now in the quiet of the Now moment, listen to that Divine Intelligence inside you. What does it say? What would it inspire you to do? Hint: It would be something that gives you excitement.
- Now tell yourself the truth of how powerful you are.
Have a powerful week all!
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Feel Powerful!