Susan, now a Meditation Master formerly a Chemical Engineer
Learn about Rev. Susan L. Suehr here:

I help spiritual seekers who have been strung out or exhausted with life’s demands, to find complete inner peace. A spiritual seeker myself, I have studied many different spiritual growth paths.
I want others to have what I have: a beautiful family in your preferred form, a passion for work, and a sense of calm and inner peace while meeting your dreams. I also want it to be easier and not take 40 years of practice for people to find the inner peace that I did. More importantly, I want others to understand and know just how important their life is. It has gotten so trite to hear that we are all unique beings. Yet it is a deep truth that if people would let in, there would be much more inner peace in the world.
This story has a twofold purpose. One is to really understand and know at the core of you just how important you are. The other is to inspire you to know that if I can do it, you can too.
My position was the middle one in a large family of 13. Others have had Near Death Experiences. I did not. I bet most of you have not either. I had what I call a Near Birth Experience. I remember it clearly as an infant lying in my crib. The windows were open and a spring rainstorm was raging on. The curtains were fluttering across my crib. A howling wind caused an old tree to knock loudly against our house. I wanted to get up and close the window because it was bothering me. I could not move. Then it hit me. I was an infant again. “Oh darn, I can’t believe I have to do the growing up thing again”. I remembered where I was from and what I was here to do.
My mom thought I was an obsessed child with babies as each new addition to the family was born. For me, it was about “Hey, look who showed up! So glad you could make it”.
At the age of 5 I needed one of two necessary eye surgeries.
My roommate in the hospital was an already experienced 12 year old in this eye surgery business. She was on her second. They did one eye at a time in those days. When we met, it was instant soul connection. For both of us it was “Hey, look who showed up”! During that week I was fortunate to receive her sage advice about how to combat a deep desire to rip off those bandages that kept me from seeing. A whole week of bandages or our eyes would be ruined for life. So we sang and made jokes to keep us from thinking about not seeing. She was to leave the next day and knew that I would be torn with grief. She was so wise. So she gave me a heads up and we made a pact. We both knew we would not see each other more in this lifetime, but we would meet each other again on the other side. She was an only child and wanted a little sister. So I agreed to be her little sister. She agreed to come to me in my dreams and we would always be able to play together. The next day I was not prepared for the grief I felt at loosing this good friend. She hugged me and helped me feel better. It helped. Her family was floored. I was only able to understand their reaction years later.
It was only a few years ago that I learned from my mom that this 12 year old was supposed to be mentally handicapped. The family was grateful that a 5 year old treated their daughter as if she was complete perfection. Here is the truth. She was! We knew what we were here for and those who choose to come into the physical with these kinds of vulnerabilities have so much to offer us. She showed me just how important each different expression is so valuable. So if you hear that we are all unique and important, please allow that deep truth in for you. Do not give into the triteness of that. You really are that important. You were created to express your unique view of life.
Here is how important this wise soul was to me, and she was the person who inspired me to meditate. As we went about our week of distracting ourselves from wanting to rip off those bandages, she told me the secrets to getting on in life. She said that you had to relax and allow life to be what it was. I was so enthralled by this secret that I used it in when I got back home. I just relaxed and allowed that life was unfolding just as it should. It worked. I was able to navigate the trials of 10 other siblings and understood the importance of inner peace to navigating life.
Later, I learned that meditation got me to that state of inner peace.
I was able to achieve an inner state of peace during the many challenges of a female Engineer trail blazer: when harassment of women was still legal, when men interviewed us just to see what a female Engineer looked like, when stating in public that women were incompetent was the norm, and lower salaries were something you had to accept because you were a women. I raised a loving family and am still married to a wonderful man, who also happens to be an Engineer who asks for my counsel.
I accomplished all that facing the challenges of being strung out and exhausted trying to work in a demanding job and raise my family. You see, I have a Chemical Engineering degree and worked in Medical Device and Pharmaceutical product and process development for the last 35 years. Practicing meditation got me to that inner peace I needed to have it all. It worked because I have a beautiful family and have commercialized more than 26 Medical Device and Pharmaceutical products in the marketplace along with numerous patents that support those products.
If I can do it, you can too.
Dame and Rev. Mother Susan L. Suehr
Public Notice: Sacred Monastic Order of The Church of Hope is a Church of special and sacred ministry of sanctified healing as well as indigenous medicines as part of our religious doctrine Let it be known May 21st in the year of our Lord 2022 Rev. Susan L Suehr, Deaconess IS HEREBY commissioned by ecclesiastical decree for services in Sanctified Healing in accordance with their Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics GIVEN THE 21stDAY OF May., 2022 BY SMOCH: At St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church, 2708 N. Central Avenue, Tampa, FL 34602
Public Notice: Sacred Monastic Order of The Church of Hope is a Church of special and sacred ministry of sanctified healing as well as indigenous medicines as part of our religious doctrine Let it be known December 3rd in the year of our Lord 2022 Dame and Reverend Mother Susan L. Suehr, IS HEREBY been recorded for exceptional performance designated Dame of Honour, Cultural Attaché and certified of Ordination of Women-Priest of and in accordance with their Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics GIVEN THE 3rd DAY OF Dec., 2022 BY SMOCH: At St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church, 2708 N. Central Avenue, Tampa, FL 34602
Check out ways to help you heal with an array of products in both the Download Store and the Streaming Store. Also a streaming online course, "Discover Your Strengths Powers & Talents". They include her best meditation videos to guide you to resolving emotions.